Centrenergo launches third of four damaged units at Uglegorsk

Обзоры по компаниям и отраслям 19.03.2014 Power GenCo Centrenergo (CEEN UK) has connected to its electricity network the third power unit of the damaged Uglegorsk thermal power plant, the Interfax-Ukrayina news agency reported on March 19, citing the contractor of the power unit’s restoration. The power unit was switched on at 7a.m. on March 18, according to Energorynok, Ukraine’s energy system operator. The mentioned power unit is the third one that has been repaired after a fierce fire on March 29, 2013. As a result of the fire, four power units (i.e. all the working units at Uglegorsk, with a total power capacity of 800 MW) were damaged. The least damaged units, #1 and #4, were recommissioned in October and November 2013. The most damaged unit, #2, is still being repaired. Alexander Paraschiy: The previously announced plan was to switch on the two most damaged power units at Uglegorsk (#2 and #3) on March 1. From this standpoint, the announcement reveals a delay from the initial plan. Nevertheless, we treat the news as positive, as now the Uglegorsk power station will be much more stable, from a technical standpoint. Technical rules require that, for smooth work at a power station, at least two power units at any station should work for any period of time. The availability of three working power units allows for a backup to meet the rules as well. At the same time, the effect of the unit’s recovery on Centrenergo’s total output and P&L won’t be sizeable, in our view.