Centrenergo power station damaged by shelling in Donbas

Обзоры по компаниям и отраслям 28.07.2015 Vuhlehirsk (Uglegorsk) Thermal Power Plant, owned by GenCo Centrenergo (CEEN UK), was targeted by artillery shelling the morning of July 27, the company reported the same day. The electrical parts of power units 1, 2 and 3 - as well as the station's outdoor switchyard - were damaged by the shelling, according to the company’s report. The company is reportedly evaluating the extent of the damage and estimating the time needed for the station’s restart. In the same attack, the nearby Myronivska Heat and Power Plant of energy holding DTEK (DTEKUA) was cut from the power grid. The damage was repaired afterwards to renew power supply to Uglegorsk TPP, DTEK reported in a press release. Uglegorsk TPP and Myronivska HPP are located just 20 km from the railroad hub of Debaltseve, which was occupied by Russian-backed terrorists and Russian special forces in February 2015. Uglegorsk TPP has four coal-fired power units and three gas-fired units which are being idle over the last decade. Alexander Paraschiy: The Uglegorsk TPP is an unlucky one, having sat idle for most of 2013 after catching fire in March that year. Three of its four coal-fired power units were repaired only in late 2013 and mid-2014. The latest attack, even if won’t have any long-term consequences for the operation of Uglegorsk TPP, confirms the riskiness of this power plant, one of the three controlled by Centrenergo. Apparently unattractive for investment, Centrenergo's controlling stake is planned for sale by the government as soon as this year. To make matters worse, two other Centrenergo power stations - located far from the Donbas conflict zone - are also suffering as an indirect result of the conflict. These stations are designed to burn anthracite coal, which is only mined in Ukraine in the occupied territory. Their coal stockpiles are nearly depleted at this moment.