Loans inch down, deposits continue robust growth in July

Макроэкономика 13.08.2012 Banking sector loans edged down 0.2% mom in July, taking annual growth to 2.7% from 3.5% yoy in June, according to the National Bank of Ukraine. Notably, retail facilities increased in month-on-month terms (+0.2% mom) for the first time since August 2011, as the issuance of new consumer loans likely exceeded redemptions of mortgages and car loans. However, in year-on-year terms, retail loans were still down 9.1%. Deposit growth accelerated to 12.1% yoy in July from 9.6% in June, driven mainly by retail facilities (up 12.9% yoy). Banking sector loans and deposits, USD bln -------------------------------------- July 2012 mom yoy -------------------------------------- Total loans 99.2 -0.2% 2.7% corporate loans 76.0 -0.3% 6.9% retail loans 23.2 0.2% -9.1% Total deposits 64.6 1.8% 12.1% corporate deposits 21.8 3.7% 10.5% retail deposits 42.8 0.8% 12.9% -------------------------------------- Source: NBU