Market comment

Обзоры рынка 27.06.2012 Ukrainian equities enjoyed a rebound on Tuesday as global markets pulled up amid speculation the U.S. housing market was reaching a bottom and that China might ramp up stimulus measures. The UX jumped 3.0%, led by Ukrsotsbank (USCB UK) +9.1%, Donbasenergo (DOEN UK) +4.3% and Raffeisen Bank Aval (BAVL UK) +3.9%. All 10 local blue chips posted gains over the session. In Warsaw, the response was more muted, with the WIG-Ukraine rising just 0.1% and six of 10 index components down. The biggest gainers were Industrial Milk Company (IMC PW) +2.8% and Agroton (AGT PW). Westa (WES PW) posted another wild price swing, closing down 5.2%. Both Ukraine’s main stock exchanges, the UX and PFTS, will close tomorrow and Friday in observance of Constitution Day and will reopen on Monday. Concorde Capital’s Ukraine Daily will next be issued on Monday, July 2.