Market comment

Обзоры рынка 25.04.2014 Investors were mostly selling their Ukrainian equities on Thursday, April 24. The WIG Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded stocks fell 2.7%. Its biggest component, grain trader and sunflower oil producer Kernel (KER PW) declined 4.2%. Other stocks on the decline were Agroton (AGT PW -6.9%) and Coal Energy (CLE PW -5.1%). The one company that did well on the day was Industrial Milk Company (IMC PW) gaining 3.4%. In London, the most actively traded Ukrainian stock, iron ore miner Ferrexpo (FXPO LN) rose 0.3%. Also gaining on the day was Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHPC LI +2.7%). The biggest losers in London were egg producer Avangardco (AVGR LI -3.1%) and Regal Petroleum (RPT LN -2.7%). The Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index of Kyiv-traded stocks fell 1.3% owing to oil and gas company Ukrnafta (UNAF UK -3.2%) and power GenCo Donbasenergo (DOEN UK -3.0%).