Market comment

Обзоры рынка 05.12.2014 Investors were dumping their Ukrainian stocks on Thursday, Dec. 4. The WIG Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded stocks slid 0.5%, or 3.2% in three straight negative sessions. Its biggest component, grain trader and sunflower oil producer Kernel (KER PW -0.2%), has fallen 4.1% in three straight losing sessions. Another top component, sugar maker Astarta (AST PW -1.3%), has plunged 9.0% in two sessions. Dairy firm Milkiland (MLK PW) plummeted 5.4%. Outside the index, natural gas explorer and trader Serinus Energy (SEN PW -3.5%) has dropped 19.3% in seven straight losing sessions after the state intensified restrictions requiring top consumers to buy gas from state company Naftogaz. In London, the most actively traded Ukrainian stock, iron ore miner and pellet maker Ferrexpo (FXPO LN), plunged 8.2% to its lowest price since April 2009. Also impacting by gas-buying restrictions, JKX Oil & Gas (JKX LN -1.7%) has fallen 49.1% in four straight negative sessions to its lowest price since February 2003. Yet Regal Petroleum (RPT LN) improved 3.8% after a three-session drop of 13.4%. The Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index of Kyiv-traded stocks decreased 0.2%, pulled down by Raiffeisen Bank Aval (BAVL UK -1.4%). Engine maker Motor Sich (MSICH UK +0.6%) has advanced 8.2% in five straight positive sessions. It was a relatively quiet day on the market of Ukraine’s fixed income names. Prevailing positive sentiments pushed the sovereign yield curve down by 200-400 bps. DTEKUA ’18 and OSCHAD ’16 bonds advanced 4%-5% on the day.