Market comment

Обзоры рынка 12.06.2015 Investors were dumping their Ukrainian stocks on Thursday, June 11, with a few exceptions. The WIG Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded stocks slid 1.9%, or 2.5% in five straight losing sessions. Its biggest component, grain trader and sunflower oil producer Kernel (KER PW) fell 3.0%, or 3.9% in five straight negative sessions. Farmer Industrial Milk (IMC PW) surged 11.6%, or 17.8% in three straight positive sessions. In London, iron ore miner Ferrexpo (FXPO LN) decreased 2.3%. Natural gas E&P Regal Petroleum (RPT LN) plunged 11.6%, or 15.8% in two sessions. Egg producer Avangardco (AVGR LI) dropped 10.3%. The Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index of Kyiv-traded stocks rose 0.4%, extending its hot streak to five sessions at a 3.7% advance. Thursday’s top gainer was steel maker Azovstal (AZST UK +2.0%), which has gained 5.1% in four straight winning sessions. Thursday marked the third day in a selloff of Ukrainian sovereign international bonds (UKRAIN) after media reports that Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko is insisting on a 40% haircut, as alleged by a creditor committee letter critical of her tough position. Ukraine’s sovereign curve rose 60 bps at its longest end and 3300 bps at the shortest, with the day’s biggest losers being Eurobonds maturing in Sept. 2020 (-10.3%) and July 2017 (-6.5%).