Обзоры рынка 25.01.2018 Ukrainian equities were in big demand on Wednesday, Jan. 24. The WIG Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded stocks rose 1.3%, or 4.0% in two sessions. It was driven by sunflower oil maker Kernel (KER PW), which advanced 3.9%, or 9.7% in two sessions, on speculation of a possible merger between two U.S. food processing giants. In London, traders went bargain-hunting for iron ore miner and pellet maker Ferrexpo (FXPO LN), which bounced 3.2% after plunging 7.1% in the prior two sessions. Poultry producer MHP (MHPC LI) surged 5.9% ahead of the release of its fourth quarter results. Its hot streak reached four sessions at a 12.2% gain and its price is the highest since July 2014. The exception to the day’s trend was the Ukrainian Exchange in Kyiv. Its index extended its cold streak to eight sessions at a 7.4% loss. It was pulled down by oil producer Ukrnafta (UNAF UK), which fell 5.2% and has lost nearly a third of its value since the loss streak began.