Market comment

Обзоры рынка 11.02.2013 Ukrainian equities concluded a choppy week on Friday, Feb. 8 with limited gains and losses. The Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index fell 0.8% in the session, closing the week 0.2% in the green. The speculative attack on Ukrnafta (UNAF UK -4.7%) – in which its price more than doubled at one point last week – produced little, concluding the week 2.5% in the green. The WIG-Ukraine Index inched up 0.4% yet finished the week at a 2.5% loss. Shares of grain trader Kernel (KER PW -0.2%) were down 4.2% for the week, while shares of farming firm Industrial Milk (IMC PW +1.6%) were up 3.5% for the week. In London, shares of poultry producer MHP (MHPC LI +2.7%) hit its highest price in more than 21 months. Its shares have gained 12.8% in six straight winning sessions. Egg producer Avangard (AVGR LI -1.9%) has lost 10.0% in four straight losing sessions. JKX Oil & Gas (JKX LN +4.8%) was up 9.0% for the week after a 17.5% loss the week before.