Market comment

Обзоры рынка 08.05.2013 Ukrainian stocks rode Europe’s momentum in trading on Tuesday, May 7, though they aren’t close to reaching 2013 highs as the German benchmark index did. The WIG-Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded equities rose 1.6%, led by egg producer Ovostar (OVO PW +5.7%) and grain trader Kernel (KER PW +2.6%). Shares of car battery maker WESTA (WES PW -5.2%) are down 9.8% in two sessions. In London, Bank of Georgia (BGEO LN) surged 5.0% to its all-time high. Shares of mining firm Ferrexpo (FXPO LN +1.6%) have gained 7.9% in three straight gaining sessions. In Kyiv, the Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index rose 0.6%, led by Alchevsk Steel (ALMK UK +2.8%) and Avdiivka Coke (AVDK UK +2.4%).