Market comment

Обзоры рынка 04.06.2013 Traders kicked off a new month dumping stocks at the Monday, June 3 session. The WIG Ukraine Index of Warsaw-traded stocks fell 1.5%, pulled down by the tumbling shares of grain trader Kernel (KER PW –4.7%), which reported a quarterly net loss on Friday. Its shares are down 8.5% since. Other big decliners were car battery maker WESTA (WES PW -4.6%) and food producer Agroton (AGT PW -3.8%), whose shares have lost 9.5% in four straight falling sessions. Milkiland (MLK PW) surged 8.7%. In London, investors sold off their shares of Regal Petroleum (RPT -5.6%). In Kyiv, the Ukrainian Exchange (UX) Index fell 0.9%, weighed down by GenCo Centrenergo (CEEN UK -1.4%) and oil producer Ukrnafta (UNAF UK -1.4%).